How to care for a Peace Lily plant?

How to care for a Peace Lily plant

If you’ve ever wondered how to care for a Peace Lily, you’re not alone! Many peace lilies don’t like standing water, so watering is essential. Water peace lilies when the top inch of soil feels dry, or when water overflows from the bottom of the saucer. Afterward, set the plant back in its saucer. Luckily, peace lilies aren’t drama queens, but if they do become dried out, you can easily revive it by watering immediately. Then, it will soak up the water and return to its old self.

Symptoms of fungal diseases

If you notice yellowing and browning of the leaves or stems of Peace Lily plants, they may be suffering from a fungus. Phytophthora nicotianae, a water mold that causes leaf blight, is the most likely culprit. Infection occurs easily by splashing water on the plant. The fungus feeds on high moisture levels and causes leaf spots to look dead and mushy. Symptoms of root rot can also be observed.

The symptoms of fungal diseases in Peace Lily plants can vary depending on the type of infection. Often, a fungal infection causes circular brown spots on the leaves. When a fungal pathogen causes these problems, fruiting bodies are visible as tiny black splotches with white borders. If you notice any of these symptoms in your peace lily plant, you should treat it immediately. Symptoms of fungal diseases in Peace Lily plants may vary depending on the type of infection and the severity of the symptoms. If you can’t tell which one is causing the problems, try applying fungicide directly to the affected areas.

If you notice that your Peace Lily plants are missing flowers, there is a chance that the problem is more serious. A lack of blooms may also be caused by irregular watering and a lack of fertilization. Sudden changes in temperature can also cause problems. A persistent drought can be another reason why Peace Lily plants are not responding well. To avoid this problem, keep the temperature in your Peace Lily plant below 15 degC. In addition, the soil should be slightly drier during the winter months.


A potted peace lily plant needs to be watered on a weekly basis. It prefers water about 15 degrees cooler than the surrounding air temperature. If you notice your watering can is too cold, leave it in for an hour or two before adding more water. If the water comes from a treated source, you should wait a few hours before adding more water. Adding chlorine to the water will kill the plant.

A deep pot with holes in it is ideal for a Peace Lily plant. Fill the pot with water until half of the plant is submerged. Water until the top two inches of soil are damp. Be sure to water your peace lily thoroughly before you add additional water to the pot. This will help prevent any black spots on the foliage. If you do not have a deep watering container, use a long-spouted watering can to ensure adequate moisture.

If your peace lily plant is over one month old, you can give it a dose of Miracle-Gro(r) Indoor Plant Food to keep it healthy. These special foods are designed to nourish indoor plants instantly. Simply apply them to the soil or mix them with water. Always follow the directions on the label when feeding your peace lily plant. Soak the roots for one hour before watering. Once the roots have established, you can remove the stake.


Fertilization is an important part of peace lily plant care. Fertilization for peace lilies should be done monthly or quarterly, depending on the climate. Use half strength fertilizer at three to four drops per quart of water. You can replace water with African violet liquid fertilizer once a month during the spring and summer. You can use this fertilizer every six weeks during the fall and three times a year during the winter.

A high phosphorous fertilizer may not be enough for peace lilies. Peace lilies are sensitive to some indoor plant fertilizers and need to be kept well-hydrated. Using pebble plates filled with water or misting the plant with warm water can help to maintain the humidity level. To keep peace lilies blooming, cut down the recommended indoor plant fertilizer by half. If you use a generic indoor plant fertilizer, do not feed your plant more than twice a month.

While peace lilies can survive without fertilizer, the proper amount must be applied every six to eight weeks. A little too much nitrogen will prevent flowering for a few months. Don’t forget to re-pot peace lilies every other year, and use a larger pot. The soil in a pot that’s too small for peace lilies is usually fairly rich in nutrients.


When pruning Peace Lily plants, cut away the oldest leaves at the soil line, leaving just enough to keep the plant healthy. You can also prune the plant to keep it small by removing the yellowing stalks that surround it. Then, divide the roots and create new plants. Pruning peace lilies is easy if you know the correct technique. Before you prune the plants, clean them thoroughly to prevent the spread of diseases.

Before you begin pruning, carefully examine the leaves and remove any dead or damaged branches. Always disinfect your pruners and pruning tools after pruning. This way, you won’t spread plant diseases to other plants or flowers. Another tip is to use a peace lily coloring book for inspiration. The page has designs that help you identify the beautiful houseplant. This way, you won’t have to spend your money on buying expensive gardening supplies every time you want to prune peace lily plants.

If you notice that the leaves are turning brown, you can remove them with a damp cloth. Also, keep in mind that peace lily plants are highly sensitive to chlorine and should be watered at room temperature to allow the chlorine to dissipate. You can also apply rubbing alcohol to kill bugs. If you have any of these problems, it’s best to consult your family doctor or veterinarian for advice.

Place near window

To maximize the blooming potential of your peace lily plant, place it near a sunny window. This perennial grows well in low-light conditions and is not as sensitive to direct sunlight as many plants are. However, your peace lily should still receive indirect light for several hours each day. If you do not have a window, you can place it in a brighter location, such as a sunny corner of a room.

If your plant does not require direct sunlight, place it a couple of feet away from a window. North-facing windows often get limited direct sunlight, so placing it a couple of feet away from one could be the best choice. In the case of south-facing windows, you should be particularly careful not to place your Peace Lily too close to the window, as direct sunlight can burn the plant’s leaves. If necessary, use a sheer white curtain to block out direct sunlight but still let in ample light.

You can also use a grow lamp to provide indirect light, but the best option is to place it near a window. This type of lighting should be no brighter than 6 to 8 feet away. It is best to leave the plant under the grow light for about six to eight hours per day, but this depends on the kind of lighting your Peace Lily plant requires. When choosing a light source, you can use an outlet timer to set the timing for the lighting.

Avoid calcium oxalate

Among other things, peace lily plants contain a lot of calcium, which can irritate your pet’s digestive system and respiratory tract. Therefore, you should keep them away from small children and pets, as they could get poisoned by peace lily plants. Other common plants that contain calcium oxalate include philodendrons, daffodils, true lilies, hyacinths, and hyacinths.

When caring for Peace Lily, it’s important to avoid consuming its leaves and stems. The leaves and stems contain calcium oxalate crystals, which are toxic to humans. If you accidentally ingest them, you might experience mouth irritation, throat swelling, difficulty breathing, and vomiting. To avoid this, it’s best to use a natural pesticide like soap and water to treat the thrips.

To prevent the Peace Lily from becoming pest-infested, choose a location that receives bright light. If the plant grows in a shady area, don’t worry – it’ll still produce leaves if the light level is too low. Fertilize the plant more often to promote faster growth. Repotting your peace lily will also help with the problem. Make sure the new soil contains adequate nutrition.

Symptoms of under-watering

The most common cause of yellowing leaves on peace lily plants is under-watering. When watering your plant, be sure to wait until the water drains from its drainage holes. This way, you can make sure it doesn’t sit in water, or risk the roots becoming rotten. Watering the plant until the soil feels dry is not enough. The amount of water your plant needs will depend on the local climate and soil conditions.

Underwatering the peace lily plant can also cause root rot. While it’s unlikely your plant will die of cold, you may want to consider moving it to a warmer location or watering it less frequently. While the plant can survive in cold conditions, if you have a particularly cold climate, it may not be wise to keep it in the same temperature as your other houseplants.

Brown spots on the leaves of peace lily plants are not necessarily a cause for concern, but they could be signs of under-watering. The plant should be watered every few days to prevent dryness. Overwatering can cause the plant to suffer from the effects of salt and mineral buildup. Also, peace lily plants should be kept in a room that is more humid.


If you’re worried about overwatering your peace lily plants, there’s good news: it doesn’t have to be! A variety of methods can help you prevent overwatering your peace lily plants. First, you’ll want to ensure that the soil is moist enough for the lily. In general, a light watering is sufficient. Second, be sure to water your peace lily plants at the same depth you planted them at before. Third, group your peace lily plants with other plants that have similar needs. This will help to share the benefits of transpiration.

The easiest way to figure out how much water you should give peace lilies is to use a water meter. These are handy gadgets that stick into the soil to determine water level. To use a water meter, simply stick it into the soil and measure the amount of moisture it absorbs. After that, you’ll know when to water your peace lilies. You can also use a soil pH tester to determine the pH level of the soil.